<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-northeast_green.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-northeast_green.svg" width="40px" /> **https://forms.gle/n1uZwPxVgcvPrAeU9**


Significance of Form

As we transition into the Peer Review phase, it is essential to understand the specific areas of expertise within our team. Given that our members come from diverse sectors of the construction industry, identifying each person's specialized knowledge is crucial for effective review and implementation.

We have outlined 11 categories that are central to the estimating two-way data theory. Please take a moment to complete the form below, indicating your areas of expertise according to these categories. If your expertise does not fit into one of the provided categories, select "other" and specify in the space provided.

Description of Each Lens

Structure of Papers

Peer Review Process

Each participant will receive a copy of the white paper for individual edits and comments to ensure clarity and avoid overlapping feedback. A master document will be compiled to reflect all contributions, and a final draft will be shared with the team.

Purpose and Structure of the White Paper

The white paper aims to provide an overview of the core concept and introduce the eleven distinct lenses. While the document will be concise, at just ten pages, it will lay the groundwork for understanding the general structure and basic framework of these lenses. It is intended to outline the foundational elements, with more detailed exploration to follow in subsequent publications.