lunar base.webp

Advancements with Ted Danson is producing a segment on the Moon Construction Estimating Study. It will air on Amazon Prime, Bloomberg, CSNBC, History Channel, and Discovery Channel in Winter 2025.

What impacts has your company or technology had on your industry, and how do you believe it will continue to influence the sector into the future?

Impact on Industry and Future Influence:

Estimating Cost and Time for Construction Projects on the Moon's Surface

Our team is comprised of industry thinkers in the aerospace, tech field, academia, private and public sectors all working together to solve a tremendously complex problem and by its very nature is at the forefront of revolutionizing the construction industry, particularly in the realm of extreme and unprecedented environments such as lunar surface construction. Traditionally, construction projects on Earth face significant challenges, with studies indicating that 75% of projects are 30% over budget and behind schedule, and nearly 98% of mega projects (those exceeding $1 billion) fail to meet their financial and timeline goals. These inefficiencies are unacceptable when considering the complexity and stakes of lunar construction, where every day an astronaut is on the moon costs approximately $8 million.

Our work focuses on developing innovative theories, processes, and technologies that will minimize variance in time and cost estimates for these complex projects. The solutions we're creating aren't just incremental improvements—they represent a fundamental shift in how construction is approached under extreme conditions. By integrating state-of-the-art technologies with advanced artificial intelligence, we're pushing the limits of current construction estimating methodologies, setting new standards for accuracy and reliability.

This ambitious endeavor is not being tackled by a single entity; it is a collaborative effort involving some of the greatest minds and institutions in the field. We are working closely with academic partners like the University of California, Davis, University of California, Berkeley, California State University, Fresno, and the University of Louisville, alongside leading industry thinkers from the private and public sectors. Additionally, we are collaborating with government and research institutions such as Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, the Institute for Construction Innovation Thought Consortium, the Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium, and NASA.

In the future, the methodologies and technologies we develop for lunar construction will have far-reaching implications for Earth-based projects as well. As we address the extreme challenges of lunar construction, we're simultaneously paving the way for more reliable, efficient, and cost-effective construction estimating practices here on Earth. Our work, supported by a consortium of experts, has the potential to reshape the industry, making mega projects more predictable and successful, and setting new benchmarks for construction in the most challenging environments.


What are some key points that audiences might learn and takeaway from a feature segment focused on your company's work?

Audiences watching a feature on our work can expect to gain insight into one of the most ambitious and cutting-edge projects in the construction industry today.

Key takeaways will include:

Viewers will learn about the unique challenges posed by lunar construction, such as extreme environmental conditions and the logistical complexities of building on the moon, which require entirely new approaches to project management and estimation.


<aside> 📍 This segment will not only inform but also inspire viewers, demonstrating the incredible potential of human ingenuity and collaboration in tackling some of the most complex problems of our time.
